Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Prison Break

I'm like a bird. . . stuck in a longkang. . . sigh. . .

I think I'm the only 18 year old that gets treated like i'm 1+8 years old by mum. . Talk about gay/sad/tight security/whatever you wanna call it man. . Laugh all you want, but this is how my life is right now, just can't wait for this friggingggggg year to be over. At least I will be 1+9 years old next year.

ANYWAY, was out with Cheryl and Ming Han at McD's yesterday night to study. Bah STUDY la konon, we went there not even 15 minutes, Ming say lazy study, we ended up starting to talk , eat and drink (so typical of our study sessions) At least i did TWO QUESTIONS man, okay la Ming Han did 7, but Cheryl did none. (I think) =X Later met up with Andrew and his friend Bong, so called 'bonding' la. Came back around 11 plus kena nag by mom (see what I mean?) =.=

Fastforward a few hours, the same people minus Bong went IKEA for breakfast. I know I'm budget but that's how you gotta live life man =/ Sat there and talk tons of crap as usual. People like us, day and night also talk cock ni. Apparently these jakuns have never eaten breakfast in IKEA before O_O

Oh well. . .

One good news for the day is The Girlfriend is coming back from her church camp in another few hours. . =] X)

Okay okay, enough time gone on this, I'd better go nerd before they kill me. Yes,they. (girlfriend and mum)



tripledot said...

serious shit man
darren has a blog. HAHA
welcome to the world boy =b


darwong said...

wah that was really sarcastic man. haha I don't have a life thats why.

Lyn said...

O_O i found ur link through melo's blog... omg.. 2 months lateer only i found out!! and eh i never eat breakie in ikea before also wat!