Monday, June 2, 2008

There she goes

I have a feeling the next 3 days will feel like 3 weeks.

I guess time does passes slower when you miss your special someone.

Ah enough of the mellowness.

Conclusion : I miss you Stephanie Chong !

ANYWAY sorry for the jiwangness. .

I'm currently stoning infront of the com thinking what's the next line to type, as you can see I have nothing better to do except this.

Everyone is either busy studying or busy studying while the school kid here is having his so called 'school holidays'.

Sigh. . College life, something I'll never experience. Oh well at least I still get SCHOOL HOLIDAYS

If y'all don't know, I'm studying STPM, so yea I'm an 18 year old uniform boy. Don't even get me started about the gay white pants =.= *Think of the bright side* its just another 5 more months to go and I'm free.

Ah I guess enough of ranting here. . Ima go to sleeep, wake up and sleeep again. .


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