Thursday, June 5, 2008


YES POOR! POOR WE SHALL BE! (well at least I will be la)

I'm sure everyone knows about the 'hangat' story yesterday. If ya don't, then you really are sesat. Anyway, the scoop is that the price of petrol and diesel has increased drastically. Sei lor... I won't have to go into details cause the story is everywhere. All these fai wa will only lead to 1 thing = POORRRRRR

Imagine what the price of fuel would be like when I'm buying my car in the future =/

Woohoo Malaysia Boleh !

Goot too goo now. .

STUDY TIME at the library with The Girlfriend X)

eh really study wan okay?!



kopgirl said...

Hey darren, how's life? Still remember me? Anyway, take care =)

~cheng yee~

Charlotte said...

zomggg. i didnt know you blog. hahaha (: